Technology Services

Welcome to the Raymond School District!

Technology plays an important role in any school district from students to teachers. Technology also changes very fast making it difficult to keep up with the latest technology trends. Our IT team in Raymond is dedicated to helping teachers and students reach the goal of a 21st century digital learning environment in the classroom. Raymond is a wonderful school district and as an IT team we are very motivated to help in any capacity from Tech Support, Professional Development or just answering questions someone might have.

Staff NameRoleEmailPhone
Nathan Regis-McClureLRES Technology Support Specialistn.regis-mcclure@sau33.com895-3117 ext 3387
Fred PantisIHGMS Technology Support Specialist f.pantis@sau33.com895-3394 ext 4193
Joseph PilotteRHS Technology Support Specialistj.pilotte@sau33.com895-6616 ext 2104
Cameron TkalcicTechnology and Data Integration Specialistc.tkalcic@sau33.com895-6616 ext 2341
Matt CliftonDirector of Technologym.clifton@sau33.com895-6616 ext 2364